Transforming communities through churches

Ushindi Ministry is a missionary organization that is engaged in promoting indigenous mission initiatives in the spiritually “dark” region of the geographical “heart” of Africa.


People impacted


Establishing vibrant Christ-centered communities.

Ushindi Ministry - Church mobilization session

We promote spiritual growth through encouraging, strengthening, equipping and empowering local communities of believers (churches) in Central Africa toward specific engagement in indigenous mission initiatives that are a result of lives transformed through an intimate relationship (friendship) with Jesus.

“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Mark 16:15

Ushindi Ministry - Audio Bible distribution

Ushindi ministry

Ushindi (Swahili for conqueror, overcomer, victor-victorious) has since 2013 been informally engaged in promoting indigenous mission initiatives in the spiritually “dark” region of the geographical ‘heart’ of Africa. Missionaries in the past affectionately referred to this area as “Zandeland” which was in reference to the Azande people. They are the predominant people group living across this vast region which includes Northeast DRCongo (Bas and Haut-Uele Provinces), Southeast CAR, Central African Republic (Mbomou and Haut Mbomou Prefectures), and South Sudan’s Western Equatoria State. 

join our cause

You can also become a creator of stories of transformation and hope by:

Becoming a missionary

By joining as a missionary you will help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in the heart of Africa.


By donating, you help fund mission trips, provide resources for local churches, and support missionaries.

Praying with us

By praying with and for USHINDI, you help to bring spiritual growth, protection, and guidance. 

Join us in encouraging, strengthening, equipping and empowering local communities of believers.

Featured stories of impact

Would you like to discover how GOD, through Ushindi Ministry, is  responding to the needs in this spiritually dark hole in the heart of Africa by mobilizing indigenous missionaries to go into this region in order to encourage, strengthen, equip, and empower the local churches?

Rapport Annuel 2023

Ce rapport annuel présente l’ensemble des activités réalisées par Ushindi Ministry en 2023, ainsi que des informations sur les défis et la perspective d'avenir. Vous y trouverez également des stratégies utilisées pour aboutir aux résultats obtenus. A telecharger...

Healing Trauma is one of the Ushindi Ministry’s battle

Healing Trauma is one of the Ushindi Ministry’s battle

In the DRC, the entire population are traumatized because of the war, political instability, lack of proper health care, poverty, ect. The region of Boga in South of Bunia town was repeatedly attacked by ADF-NALU from 2019. They killed innocent population mostly...